Topeka, Kansas

Westboro is a central-Topeka neighborhood featuring large homes in Italian Renaissance Revival, French Eclectic and Colonial styles. This area includes a quaint shopping area, Westboro Mart, with an eclectic array of specialty shops.
Many of the homes in Westboro, built in the 1920s and 1930s, became model homes for the L.F. Garlinghouse Company of Topeka, which sold the floor plans via annual catalogs throughout the United States.
The #westboroneighborhood is bound by Huntoon Street on the north, Oakley on the east, 17th Street on the south and Gage Boulevard on the west. - Visit Topeka
This is our homeowners association page which will be kept up to date with activities, photos and neighborhood goings on!
The HOA uses the money it collects to help maintain or improve the quality of life in the community. These fees are paid on top of your mortgage, property tax and homeowners insurance payments. Westboro HOA dues are $55 annually.
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